May 2023 marks the 45th anniversary for BioSonics, Inc!


Founded by former Professor of Engineering and Senior Scientist at the University of Washington’s Applied Physics Laboratory, Bill Acker in 1978, the company remains family-owned and operated by Tim and Bev Acker.

With a focus on invention and innovation, BioSonics has been designing and manufacturing cutting-edge aquatic monitoring systems from the beginning. Originally focused on the Pacific Northwest scientific fisheries community, BioSonics has expanded over the years to include environmentally responsible hydroacoustic solutions for renewable energy, aquaculture, and sustainable development of the Blue Economy.

Some of the many milestones include:

  • Pioneering fish passage monitoring on the Columbia and Snake River Systems with billions of salmon counted
  • Working with operators and regulators at hundreds of dams, powerplants, and marine energy projects to improve stewardship of endangered species
  • Transforming complex sonar data into automated real-time digital insights for AI driven analytics and web-based reporting.
  • Inventing the world’s first omnidirectional marine mammal detection, tracking and classification monitoring system
  • Taking part in major scientific studies for marine energy and offshore wind exploration
  • Developing automated aquaculture monitoring systems that assess fish distribution, behavior and density inside and outside the net pen

As we enter our 45th year, we also enter one of the most exciting times in our company’s history. In 2023 we will see the launch of the  multi-year marine energy Triton project; the beginning of a groundbreaking project to bring clean power to rural Alaska communities; the forging of partnerships across the globe to promote environmentally responsible Green Aquaculture; and advocacy for more legislation, policies, and funding in support of sustainable economic models of the Blue Economy.

“With all of this, our greatest accomplishment has been the relationships we have forged with our employees and customers,” said Tim. “Together we share a passionate commitment to the safekeeping of environment and marine life, while supporting the safe development of our planet’s abundant water resources. We just want to thank everyone who has joined us on this amazing journey!”

BioSonics Senior Scientists Jim Dawson & Brian Moore conducting a mobile hydroacoustic survey on 6,000 ft. elevation Fordyce Lake in California’s Sierra Nevada mountains.
Tim and Bev Acker with the Marine Life Observer – marine mammal detection, tracking and classification system.
A diver inspecting a Marine Life Observer test deployment on the seabed at a Pacific Northwest National Laboratory site in Sequim, Washington.